Please read ENTIRELY before booking | Important Information
Cosmetic Tattoo Restrictions and Information
If you are booking an appointment for any type of cosmetic tattoo please read this information first. By booking an appointment via the website we assume that you have read and understood this information and restrictions.
Touch up appointment
All new client tattoo appointments need to book a 6-8 week touch up appointment otherwise you run the risk of not getting an appointment due to limited availability. So two separate appointments need to be made.
Forms to Complete and Read
Before you proceed with your booking please print and complete this form and hand it to reception when you attend your appointment. You are also required to familiarise yourself with our strict Cancellation Bookings Policy.
Booking Age Restriction – 18+ years of age for all Cosmetic Tattoo procedures
No persons aged under 18 years old are permitted in treatment rooms for tattoo.
We have a policy of client and therapist ONLY in the room. Please do not bring friends or family to your appointments for cosmetic tattoo, facials, laser or lash appointments.
Previous Tattoo
Have you had a previous tattoo administered by another clinic? If you are wishing for us to cover this old tattoo then you need to book a consultation appointment with us first so that we can assess the area and let you know if it is possible to tattoo over the top of this.
Alternatively, feel free to email or send photos via Facebook messenger to our Facebook page. Ensure you have no makeup on and take photos in natural lighting. Please include your details so that we can call you as soon as we have assessed your photos.
You may also call the clinic to discuss this with us directly.
Medications to consider (contraceptive pill and multi vitamins excluded)
Medications list of which medications will affect cosmetic tattoo procedures:
- Antibiotics
- Topical or Oral medications for Acne
- Methotrexate
- Anti inflammatories of any kind
- Ro-Accutane or related drugs
- Anti anxiety/psychotic medication
* If you are on ANY medications with the exception of the contraceptive pill, panadol and multi vitamins, you must call to let us know. This way we can ensure that this will not affect you having your treatment. This includes all skincare you may be using especially ROACCUTANE.
* Please also let us know of ANY medical illness you may have as this may impact your treatment results.
Maintenance Appointments
All clients booking maintenance appointments may require a 4-6 week touch up appointment at a cost of $100.00. Please download and return your
Maintenance Appointment form.
Numbing Medication
The law has changed, you now need to purchase your own liquid anaesthetic numbing agent prior to your cosmetic tattoo appointment. This applies to brows only.
Where do I get it?
Please call Full Life Pharmacy at Rivergum shops on 9436 9999 no later than 24 hours before your appointment and advise you have an appointment with Distinctive Features and need to order your anaesthetic. The staff at Full LIfe make up a specific numbing gel for our clients that will cost you approximately $15.00.
Do NOT apply this solution yourself. Bring this with you to your appointment and give it to your tattooist. This does not need to be refrigerated.
Please don’t forget to book your 6-8 week touch up appointment also if you are a new tattoo client!